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Forms & Documents
Provincial tax credits returns form for earnings January 2025 or later. Tax forms are also available on the Government of Canada website under TD1 Personal Tax Credits Returns. Tax forms can be submitted to the payroll department.
Federal tax credits returns form for earnings January 2025 or later. Tax forms are also available on the Government of Canada website under TD1 Personal Tax Credits Returns. Tax forms can be submitted to the payroll department.
T2200 Declaration of Conditions of Employment
The T2200 form allows employees to claim expenses incurred during employment, for example: mileage. Fill out Part A of the form before submitting. The form will be returned by email once completed. If you have any questions please contact the main office.
Employee of the Month Nomination Form
If you wish to nominate a DSWI or DSWII staff for Employee of the Month, please fill out the attached form and submit at the main office or to Forms are also available at QuestWest.
Direct Deposit Enrolment Form
If you wish to enroll or update your direct deposit information, submit this form along with a void cheque/automatic deposit form to the pay roll department at the main office.
DSWI/DSWII Evaluation
Each employee will have an annual evaluation completed with his or her direct supervisor. We want you to have an active role in this process and therefore the evaluation is available for each employee to review. Each employee should fill out the first page of the evaluation prior to the meeting, and come prepared to chat about the topics discussed in the evaluation. This was there can be 2-way communication and input into the evaluation process.
Disclosure of Conflict of Interest
A Conflict of Interest occurs when someone has a private or personal interest in a situation, which is likely to bias their decision making, or benefit the employee personally or financially, or could influence their objectivity in performing any duties during their employment with Quest Support Services. At minimum, employees will be asked about potential conflicts, and be provided an opportunity to disclose possible conflicts annually at their Employee Evaluation. Furthermore, employees should fill this form out any time circumstances change which may indicate a real or potential Conflict of Interest.
Request for Documentation
From time to time employees may desire to have certain information from their Employee File, documents such as employee evaluations, copies of training certificates, tax forms and/or records of employees. This form is required to be submitted to the Quest Main office any time an employee requires such documents from their Employee File.
Employee Availability Form
The Employee Resource Centre is responsible for ensure that properly trained employees are staffed in each available shift. During high turnover periods such April/May, August/September, and December/January we ask that if employees need to change their regular shifts to accommodate their new schedules, they fill out the Employee Availability form. The more notice the Employee Resource Centre receives regarding changing schedules, the better the chance they will be able to accommodate your new schedule!
Hazard/Near Miss Report
Use this form to report a hazard and/or a near miss. A hazard is something that could potentially cause an accident or injury. A near miss is when an incident happened that could have caused an injury, but didn’t in that case. Both should be reported so that the Safety Department can make sure that the hazard gets fixed as soon as possible.
Mileage Claim
Mileage can be claimed for any kilometers driven in an employee's own vehicle during their shift. Mileage is paid once per month @ $0.50 per KM. This form needs to be submitted to the Main Office by the 2nd business day of the month to claim mileage for the prior month.
Incident Report
The completion and submission of this form is mandatory within 24-hours of an incident occurring. This can include medication errors, police involvement, behaviours of concern, individual or employee injury, etc. Please ensure that the information on this form remains confidential and is delivered directly to the person who it is intended. Do not leave these forms in your location of work for another staff member to hand in for you, as information may be seen by other employees. Please see Policy No. CR-04: Confidentiality Practices for more details.
Contact Note
This form is a means of communicating with the Management Team. You can document any issues, concerns or notable conversations and submit to the appropriate member of the Management Team. Please ensure that the information on this form remains confidential and is delivered directly to the person who it is intended. Do not leave these forms in your location of work for another staff member to hand in for you, as information may be seen by other employees. Please see Policy No. CR-04: Confidentiality Practices for more details.
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