Employees will fall under a training category based on the location in which they work. All employees are required to attend all "General" courses. Based on programming needs of the individuals accessing services.
All staff are required to maintain an up to date staff file. You can access your requirements on your Avanti profile.
Based on programming needs of the individuals accessing services additional training may be required.
Agency Orientation
Duration: 16 hours (2-Day Course)
Recertification: n/a
Content: Our Agency Orientation is designed to orient new employees to the Agency and provide the essential training needed to be successful. The training will include:
Introduction to your role / Job Description
Policy and Procedure
Safe Bathing & Showering Certification
Behaviour Management
Health and Safety in the Workplace
Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention level 1 Certification
Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI)
Duration: 12 hours (2-day course)
Recertification: 2 years
Content: This course is offered by one of our certified CPI instructors. This interactive course is essential in teaching employees safety in the workplace when dealing with people who may become verbally or physically aggressive towards the employee or themselves. This program is known worldwide for its innovative, holistic philosophy of providing Care, Welfare, Safety and Security for staff and the people they support. Throughout this course, we also provide information regarding Trauma Informed Care, Critical Incident Debriefing, and Conflict Resolution.
This course is bundled with Trauma Informed Care and Critical Incident Debriefing courses.
Trauma Informed Care
Duration: 90 minutes
Recertification: 1.5 years
Content: This course will help you understand the biology of trauma. It will assist you to be able to recognize and most importantly support and heal the trauma that people have experienced.
This course is bundled with CPI and Critical Incident Debriefing courses.
Critical Incident Debriefing
Duration: 30 minutes
Recertification: 1.5 years
Content: This course expands on the COPING Model taught in Non-violent Crisis Intervention to broaden your understanding of the debriefing process after a crisis.
This course is bundled with CPI and Trauma Informed Care courses.
Abuse Prevention and Response Protocol
Duration: 2 hours
Recertification: 2 years
Content: This course focuses on training employees on how to prevent, identify and report abuse. It is an important course for everyone to understand as we support a vulnerable population of Albertans. The key focus is the prevention of abuse from occurring. Our up beat and interactive class allows participants to explore opportunities to prevent abuse to our most vulnerable sector.
Medication Administration
Duration: 3 hours
Recertification: 3 years
Content: This course is offered by a qualified person (typically a Pharmacist) and covers all areas of Medication Administration that an employee could encounter. It is vitally important that employees are confident with the Medication Administration process at Quest Support Services Inc. after taking this course. Medications are an important part of each employee's role as there can be severe consequences if medication errors occur.
The qualified person also reviews universal precautions to discuss the expectations and guidelines for staff to use to protect themselves against infection and disease that can be transferred through human bodily fluids.
This course is bundled with Universal Precaution and Insulin Training
Indigenous Awareness
Duration: 2 hours
Recertification: 3 years
Content: This course provides a basic overview of Canada's Indigenous people, focusing primarily on Southern Alberta. Discussion and education occurs surrounding the key issues that Indigenous people have faced historically and in the present day. The training encourages stigma reduction and assists in the movement towards reconciliation by "busting" myths and stereotypes that are evident in our community.
Intercultural Intelligence
Duration: 3 hours
Recertification: 3 years
Content: Intercultural Intelligence is an activity based course that focuses on working with cultural diversity in the community disability service sector. It promotes awareness and understanding of cultural differences to enhance the working environment and our relationships with the people beside.
Basic First Aid level A CPR & AED
Duration: 8 hours
Recertification: 3 years
Content: This course is offered by St. John Ambulance by a certified instructor. In this one-day course, students will learn to recognize and provide interventions for life-threatening emergencies until medical aid arrives. Topics include: CPR and choking for adults, shock and unconsciousness, severe bleeding, head & spinal injuries, major medical conditions, and AED training and certification. (Retrieved from:
NOTE: ONLY offered to employees as a recertification. New employees are required to take this course externally at their own expense.
Positive Behaviour Supports Level 1 & 2
Duration: 10 hours (2-day course)
Recertification: n/a
Content: This course is offered by our instructors who have been certified through Alberta Council of Disability Services (ACDS). Positive Behaviour Supports is a program designed to teach participants positive and proactive intervention strategies for addressing situations or behaviours of concern. Program participants are guided through a series of modules that cover what behaviour is, why behaviours occur, and how to responsibly and ethically manage those situations. The later part of the da will combine the theory learned in the morning with practical application. A more in depth look at some of the theories and practises of Positive Behaviour Supports, as well as case studies and scenarios to enhance the employees day to day skills.
Mental Health First Aid
Duration: 14 hours
Recertification: 3 years
Content: This course is offered by certified Mental Health First Aid instructors. In this course, employees will learn how to provide help to an individual who is developing a Mental Health problem or is in a Mental Health crisis. This course focuses on adults interacting with other adults.
This course is bundled with Conflict Resolution.​
Conflict Resolution
Duration: 45 minutes
Recertification: 3 years
Content: This course is offered by certified Mental Health First Aid instructors. In this course, employees will learn how to provide help to an individual who is developing a Mental Health problem or is in a Mental Health crisis. This course focuses on adults interacting with other adults. ​
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Training (FASD)
Duration: 2 hours
Recertification: 3 years
Content: This course reviews an Open Futures Learning Module for FASD. Following this module, participants and instructors will discuss further information and techniques specific to the Quest Support Services Inc. community.
Harm Reduction
Duration: 2 hours
Recertification: 3 years
Content: This course introduces and discussed the Harm Reduction approach to addictions and helps participants develop an understanding and sensitivity to the benefits if can provide to those suffering from addiction.
Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention level 2
Duration: 3 hours
Who attends: ONLY employees supporting people requiring assistance in this area
Recertification: 3 years
Content: This course combines theory with practical training to ensure that employees are comfortable work with individuals who use assisted technology when walking, transitioning from sitting to standing, use a wheelchair or mechanical lift. This course is important to ensure employee are performing these techniques correctly in order ensure safety for everyone involved. ​​
Open Future Learning
Duration: Varies depending on module
Recertification: n/a
Content: Open Future Learning (OFL) is an online training program accessible to members of the Quest Community. OFL offers inspirational training for people working in the disability sector by designing and publishing various modules with topics pertaining to the sector. These modules utilize videos and personal stories to inspire our employees and bring passion to life. Any employee with authorization from the Employee Resource Centre and access to the internet can utilize this tool.
The Working Mind: First Responders
Duration: 4 hours (Front Line); 8 hours (Leadership)
Recertification: n/a
Content for Front Line Course: This workshop will provide practical knowledge and skills to address mental health and mental illness. Upon completion of this course, you will have the knowledge to support the mental health and well-being of your co-workers, promote a positive work environment around your knowledge of mental illness and practise self-care to ensure mental health is a priority in your life.
Content for Leadership Course: This workshop will provide practical knowledge and skills to address mental health and mental illness. Upon completion of this course, as leaders, you will be able to recognize and support the mental health and wellbeing of your employees, encourage and be able to provide resources to employees with mental health problems to seek help, promote a respectful and inclusive work environment in regards to mental health problems and illnesses, and practise self care.
Queer 101
Duration: 2 hours
Recertification: n/a
Content: This workshop is offered to employees with the help of OUTreach Southern Alberta. Their instructor comes in and provides information about the LGBTQ+ community and the importance of fostering inclusive community spaces for employees and individuals alike.
Duration: 2 hours
Recertification: n/a
Content: SPECTRUM takes a look at the complex nature of sexuality, sexual health, consent and healthy relationships. SPECTRUM is designed to provide information and knowledge in these sections to assist staff in guiding individuals through these difficult topics.